Convert EPUB to PDF

Looking for a tool to convert EPUB to PDF? Our online EPUB to PDF converter is the perfect solution.

Drop EPUB files here or

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PDFWind securely handles your file and automatically deletes it from our server in 1 hour.

By using this online serive, you agree to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.

How to convert EPUB to PDF online

1 Select and upload your EPUB files.You can upload epub, mobi, azw3, azw4 etc.

2 Click the Start button to begin convert.

3 Click the download button or scan the QR code with your phone to download the files.


Select and upload your EPUB files.You can upload epub, mobi, azw3, azw4 etc.


Click the Start button to begin convert.


Click the download button or scan the QR code with your phone to download the files.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why would I need to convert an EPUB file to PDF?
Converting EPUB to PDF is useful when you want to retain the original formatting of an eBook and improve its compatibility across devices and operating systems. PDF format is also preferable for printing purposes.
Can I convert multiple EPUB files to PDF simultaneously?
Our online tool currently supports converting one EPUB file at a time. You can repeat the process to convert multiple EPUB files individually.
Will the converted PDF file look exactly like the original EPUB?
Our online tool strives to retain the formatting and layout of the EPUB file during the conversion process. However, slight variations may occur due to differences in the file formats and rendering capabilities.
Can I use this tool for Free?
Yes! PDFWind is a free online tool for you to convert, edit PDF files.
Do I need an account?
No. PDFWind is a free online tool. You can use it without an account.
Is installation required?
No! PDFWind is web application. You can run PDFWind on browser, but we are developing a desktop version.
Is safe to use this tool with senstive data?
We take data security and user privacy seriously. Our conversion process is secure, and we do not store any uploaded or converted files after the process is complete.
How long does it take to process a document?
It depends on the size of the document and other factors. We are always upgrading our processing server to make it faster.


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